Monday, August 30, 2010

Just saw "Takers"

Overall I liked it. I laughed at pretty much every line T.I. had in the movie, most of them weren't even really funny, that guy just cracks me up though. Rappers are gods when it comes to unintentional comedy. While they were preparing to rob the armored car and T.I. was doing commentary, that was pure gold. He sounded like he was doing the worst impression of Bob Costas ever. I wasn't expecting much from him but he was by far my favorite actor in the movie. If you were building a team of criminals though, and you needed some white actors, Paul Walker and Hayden Christensen are just above Michael Cera and his twin Jesse Eisenberg at the bottom of my list. Idris Elba plays the leader of the team and is sufficient, except for his goddamn accent. Before he talks to his sister I didn't hear a hint of an accent, but while he's talking to her I was getting confused whether he had an accent or if I was imagining it, but then throughout the rest of the movie there would be the odd word with an obvious Caribbean accent on it. We get it, you weren't born in America, now just read your lines normally before I get a nose bleed. Chris Brown was awful, every time he had a line I thought "just shut up". When he started creeping a look at that hot girl I started to get a little nervous, that creepy bastard got that look in his eyes like he was going to have a relapse. I was surprised when his brother said he didn't have to come with him before they are shot up Chris didn't start running his ass off like he did for the majority of the scenes he was in. Man they chased him for like 20 minutes in that one scene! I wish Matt Dillon would have just put one between his eyes and end that scene early. Better yet they should have got a Rhianna look alike to play a cop and blast him while he was doing his choreographed dance/running. Chris Brown is as believable as a bank robber as Vanilla Ice. The movie is a typical bank robbery movie that's been done before, but the largest thing that is stolen in the movie isn't the money, it's the script of the "Italian Job". T.I. references the fact he got the plan from the movie, but still, let's try to be somewhat original, or at least wait for the movie your stealing from to be old enough so that no one notices. Where I think this movie fails the most has got to be the toughness of the crew doing the robberies. T.I. is the only one I bought as a real criminal, I wonder why? The combination of Chris Brown, Paul Walker and Hayden Christensen made this group as intimidating as 98 degrees. Also I felt throughout the whole movie that Matt Dillon and his partner weren't really necessary. They never get close to catching them and Dillon doesn't even avenge the death of his partner. He just gets shot and lies there like "well fuck, I guess I'll call an ambulance." Instead of developing a relationship between the audience and the characters they just throw in things to make us feel bad for them. Dillon is a crappy dad, his partner has a sick kid, the leader of the heist had a crack head sister and a heavy accent. Yet I did like the movie but I think it could have went from a 6 or 7 to an 8 or 9 with better casting. For example if they had put in Dillon's brother Johny Drama from Entourage as one of the members of the heist, now we have a movie. The last scene he is walking with the money then he drops it and yells "victory!", scene, roll credits.